The best newspaper of Russia | Новости СФУ

The best newspaper of Russia

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The SibFU newspaper «Novaya Universitetskaya Zhizn» (The New University Life) was honoured with the first prize at the All-Russian Contest «PRO Education – 2011» held by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

In 2011, more than 200 authors and 74 Russian publishing offices submitted 339 applications for the Contest. The most active applicants were journalists and composite authors of Central and Volga federal districts submitting 94 and 78 applications respectively. The most popular nomination was «The best item concerning modernization of the basic education» as it gathered for about 96 works.

Siberian Federal University signed in the nomination called «The Best Specialized Edition on Education» which comprised 25 contestants. The SibFU newspaper «Novaya Universitetskaya Zhizn» competed with Chelyabinsk newspaper «Vektor Obrazovaniya» (Vector of Education) and «St.-Petersburg vestnik vyshei shkoly» (St. – Petersburg Higher School News) in the finals and managed to leave all the rivals behind!

Andrey Fursenko, Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation personally handed out awards to the winners on November 25, 2011 in Moscow. In fact, it is the third time the SibFU publishing office is awarded with the prize in such a remarkable event. In 2009, the SibFU newspaper «Novaya Universitetskaya Zhizn» ended up in the finals and in 2010 the new edition of the SibFU newspaper — «Sibirsky Forum. Intellectualny Dialog» reached the finals as well. And it is very honorable that the level of work of the SibFU newspaper office was evaluated with the highest marks one more time.

Department of Corporate Policy,

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