SibFU sportsmen to win gold medals at the Russian Fin swimming Championship | Новости СФУ

SibFU sportsmen to win gold medals at the Russian Fin swimming Championship

Russian Fin swimming Championship was held on February 20-24, 2010 in Biysk (Russia).

Konstantin Zotov and Andrey ArbuzovKonstantin Zotov and Andrey Arbuzov

Konstantin Zotov, Master of Sports and Student of the SibFU Physical Education and Sports Department won gold medal in the 100 - metres surface bifins and silver medal in the 50 - metres surface bifins.

Andrey Arbuzov Master of Sports and Student of the SibFU Physical Education and Sports Department won gold medal in the 50 - metres surface bifins.

Ekaterina TregubEkaterina Tregub

Ekaterina Tregub, Student of the SibFU Physical Education and Sports Department won silver medal in the 100 metres immersion discipline.

Konstantin Zotov and Andrey Arbuzov asserted their qualifying standards of International Master of Sports, Ekaterina Tregub asserted her qualifying standard of Master of Sports.

The SibFU team «Dianema» took fifth place in the overall standings. 25 Russian teams participated in the Event.

SibFU team «Dianema»SibFU team «Dianema»

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