VII Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum | Новости СФУ

VII Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum

Event date:

The VIIth Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum was held on February 12-13, 2010 in Krasnoyarsk. The Forum is the largest economic and political event of the year devoted to discussion of the sharpest, the most urgent issues of social – economic development of the separate territories as well as of the whole country. The leading Russian experts and famous foreign specialists participated in the Forum.

The main topic of the VIIth Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum was «People, Ideas and Projects for Modernization». The Forum was aimed at creating approaches and proposals to realize the modernization project in Russia and involve initiative people in its realization.

I.I. Shuvalov, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, representatives of federal ministries, largest Russian companies, public organizations and mass media took part in the Forum.

The youth project seminar «Generation-2020» was second-time held on February 10—11, 2010 in Siberian Federal University. Led by Aleksey Sitnikov, Pro-rector of management and development of Russian economic school (RES), 20 Russian students had the opportunity to be involved in the Forum’s issues, to form proposals and elaborate projects in specific areas. The participants of the project seminar were selected on the base of the essay competition. The results of the youth seminar were presented on the plenary meeting of the VII KEF.

Photo report of the «Generation-2020»—2009

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