Donor Day 2009 | Новости СФУ

Donor Day 2009

Event date:

Donor Day held on November 16 – 20, 2009 in Siberian Federal University has become a heart-warming tradition of helping people who need blood transfusion.

Annually the SibFU staff and students donate their blood and plasma to save the lives and improve the health of people whom they will never meet.

More than 156 people volunteered to make significant contribution by donating blood and by recruiting other people to become donors.

It should be pointed out that blood donors are unpaid volunteers who give blood for a community supply. They are tested for diseases that can be transmitted by a blood transfusion, including HIV and viral hepatitis. In many countries, blood donors receive 2 paid days-off.

The next Donor Day will be held in spring 2010. You are invited to take part!

Department of corporate policy,

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