XI All-Russian Box Tournament | Новости СФУ

XI All-Russian Box Tournament

Event date:

The XI All-Russian Box Tournament in memory of V.N. Borisov was held on October 7-11, 2009 in Siberian Federal University.
Prof. V.N. Borisov was a founder and the first rector of the SibFU Polytechnic Institute.
Viktor Zubarev, Deputy of the State Duma, President of the Boxing Federation of Krasnoyarsk Region, veterans of sport, delegates of city and region administration took part in the opening ceremony of the Event.
The best boxers from Krasnoyarsk Region, Khakassiya, Buryatiya, Irkutsk, Kemerovo Oblast, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk and Far East competed in the Tournament.
For reference:
All-Russian Box Tournament is a remarkable "A" class sport event organized by the Russian Sport Committee. The victory in every weight category entitles to give the rank of "Master of Sports of Russia".

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