SibFU metal stirrer to be marked by foreign metallurgists | Новости СФУ

SibFU metal stirrer to be marked by foreign metallurgists

SibFU scientists elaborated the unique metal stirrer in the Innovation Center of Siberian Federal University. It enables to increase alloy quality and capacity of foundry units by more than a third.

Siberian Federal University developed the newest stirring equipment on license agreement with ALTEK-MDY, LLC (USA) which is a technology-based company with expertise and experience in aluminum dross and scrap processing systems. It’s necessary to recall that SibFU metal stirrer passed tests at the Krasnoyask Aluminium Plant (United Company RUSAL) at the beginning of this year. SibFU scientists also tested the metal stirrer at the ALTEK Plant in Derbyshire (Great Britain). ALTEK scientists expressed their willingness to promote the stirring equipment which demonstrated its advantages and profitability.

Alan Peel, Managing Director of ALTEK Europe Ltd. who is considered to be the most successful seller of inductive electromagnetic stirrers in the world pointed out that «Siberian technologies and equipment stand out from foreign ones in terms of processing efficiency and technical-and-economic index. Consequently, these units have great profit potential which can be realized in the nearest future».

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