SibFU delegation in Spain | Новости СФУ

SibFU delegation in Spain

The SibFU delegation led by Eugene A. Vaganov visited the University of Alcala, Rey Juan Carlos University and the Complutense University of Madrid which was established in the Middle Ages. The delegation and the Universities agreed on running joint R&D works and academic exchange programmes.
Santander Bank and Siberian Federal University also signed the second appendix to the Agreement on cooperation in the course of the visit. It should be noted that SibFU and Santander Bank have already signed the framework Agreement on cooperation on September 24, 2008. The second appendix contains a number of key cooperation aspects concerning the Spanish Language Centre which will be established in the Institute of Philology and Language Communication of Siberian Federal University. It will be the unique Centre in Siberia. The Centre is planned to be opened in September, 2009. It will allow SibFU to develop programmes of learning Spanish, expand the Spanish language as the first or second foreign language among students and inform students about different educational programmes, scholarships and opportunities of apprenticeship in Spanish universities. The appendix to the Agreement settled the obligations of Santander Bank in terms of supporting participation of SibFU educators of the Spanish Language Centre and SibFU students in the Alcalingua (the Language and Culture Spanish Course) of the University of Alcala (Spain).

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