Open Days at SibFU | Новости СФУ

Open Days at SibFU

Event date:

From 25 March to 8 April 2023, SibFU schools and branches invite applicants and their parents to get acquainted with popular areas of studies and degree programs, learn everything about admission, and become fully-fledged students for a few days.

Registration for the event is now open.

The two weeks of interactive activities for applicants and their parents will offer:

  • Offline tours in the schools and branches of SibFU: from 25 March till 6 April. The presentation of the school, master classes, acquaintance with the director and areas of training, as well as answers to all your questions will be waiting for you here. Please, see the schedule of excursions in the attached file.
  • Registration

  • On 7 April at 12:00 and 15:00, we invite you to a tour in the university campus. We will show and tell everything you want to know about our buildings, sports and cultural facilities, and our natural beauties. We invite all residents and guests of the city.
  • Registration

  • Big Open Day at the Congress Hall will be held on 8 April from 10:00 to 15:00. Venues of all our schools in one place, talks by the admissions office, useful tips from students and much more.
  • Registration

Non-resident applicants are provided with places in our dormitories. If you need somewhere to stay, please don't forget to tick this box on the registration form.

See you at the real university.

Office of New Recruitment,

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