School of Health at SibFU | Новости СФУ

School of Health at SibFU

Event date:

Event place: пр. Свободный, 82, стр. 13

SibFU invites everybody to a School on Stress Resistance that will be held at the Medical Centre on 24 March at 15:00. The visitors will learn about ways to maintain peace of mind and harmony.

The workshop will be delivered by clinical psychologist and lecturer of the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy of Krasnoyarsk State Medical University Maxim Rassvet, who will give general advice on coping with stress and answer questions from the audience. Along with the theory, this workshop also offers the hands-on training.

This class is designed for a wide audience and will be useful for both young people and the older generation. Based on the results of the first lecture, the organizers will come up with a list of the most relevant topics, which can be the subject of discussion at the future meetings. Pre-registration or registration for the workshop is not required.

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