SFU's faculty members with a high citation index | Новости СФУ

SFU's faculty members with a high citation index

Scientific.ru has published information on those university faculty members with a high Citation Index.
The complete list of Russian scientists with a high Citation Index can be reached at http://www.scientific.ru/whoiswho/active7.html

  • Professor N.V. Erkaev, Department of Theoretical Mechanics, Polytechnic Institute (Citation Index - 136)
  • Professor A.N. Gorban, Department of Neurocomputing, Polytechnic Institute (Citation Index - 258)
  • Professor S.G. Ovchinnikov, Department of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Arts and Sciences (Citation Index - 257)
  • Professor G.A. Petrakovsky, Head, Department of Radio Physics (Citation Index - 252)
  • Professor E.A. Vaganov, SFU's Rector (Citation Index - 371)

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