Territory of Professionals 2022 Will Bring Together Talented Students from Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan | Новости СФУ

Territory of Professionals 2022 Will Bring Together Talented Students from Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan

Event date:

Territory of Professionals International Student Competition started шn October 2022. Siberian Federal University holds this large-scale popular science event especially for senior students and graduates of bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs of the Republics of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan as part of the Russian Space: Science and Education project.

The main goal of the competition is to support talented students from these republics, to help develop their social and super-subject skills (the so-called soft skills): critical thinking, creativity, the ability to build social connections, as well as complex thinking in solving problems.

Fields of the Competition:

  • Applied Informatics
  • Physical and Engineering Sciences and Technologies
  • Control in Engineering Systems
  • Economics and Management

The competition consists of three stages, reflecting the personal, research and professional competencies of the participants:

  • I am in the moment — essay contest, in which the contestant should justify the desire to study at a master degree program in the chosen field of study and discuss the possibilities of applying their skills (soft/hard skills) in the educational process. The essay should be at least 1 page, but not more than 2 pages of printed text, A4 format, Times New Roman 14;
  • Scientific navigator — submission of already written articles the commission or writing articles within selected areas of study. Minimum 3 pages of printed text, A4 format, Times New Roman 14. Subsequently, the work will be published free of charge in the collection of articles of the Prospekt Svobodny International Conference (SibFU);
  • Profi+ — an online case championship with tasks within the selected areas. Competitive tests of this set will be within 240 minutes.

The Competition schedule:
• 24 October 2022 — 17 November 2022 — web registration
• 7 November 2022 — 18 November 2022 — I am in the moment (online)
• 7 November 2022 — 20 December 2022 — Scientific navigator (online)
• 21 November 2022 — publication of the results of the first and second sets
• 19 November 2022 — 3 December 2022 — Profi+ (online)
• 9 December 2022 — publication of the results of the final stage and awarding the winners

The Competition Language: Russian

The winners of the competition will receive valuable prizes and gifts from the organizers.

In addition to participating in popular science events, contestants will be able to learn more about studying in Russia and admission to Siberian Federal University.

SibFU Press Office,

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