Teachers from the Department of Economics had a course of advanced studies at the University of Leeds | Новости СФУ

Teachers from the Department of Economics had a course of advanced studies at the University of Leeds

Three teachers from the Department of Economics, Institute of Arts and Sciences, Siberian Federal University had a training course at the University of Leeds, one of the largest universities in the UK.

Leeds is among the top ten universities for research in the UK and is internationally acknowledged as a centre for excellence in a wide range of academic and professional disciplines.

E.A. Kashkareva and N.V. Tougovikova (Department of International Economic Relations) and V.N. Rutsky (Department of Economic Theory) visited the Leeds University Business School, studied teaching economics and business subjects and prepared lecture notes on the subjects they teach at Siberian Federal University. The teachers also visited the Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies.

The university representatives established contacts with teachers and the administration of the Leeds University Business School and discussed future training courses, academic exchange and conferences.

The programme of advanced studies was supported by the university administration; Dr E.B. Bukharova, the head of the Innovation Programme of Advanced Studies; Dr V.A. Rasumovskaya, Dean, Department of Modern Languages and Mr R.A. Knight, Director of the Language Centre, the University of Leeds.

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