V International Conference Specificity of Ethnic Migration Processes in Central Siberia in the XX-XXI Centuries: Experience and Prospects | Новости СФУ

V International Conference Specificity of Ethnic Migration Processes in Central Siberia in the XX-XXI Centuries: Experience and Prospects

Event date:

Event place: SibFU Library, pr. Svobodny 79/10

Academic staff and students are welcome to participate in the V International Conference Specificity of Ethnic Migration Processes in Central Siberia in the XX–XXI Centuries: Experience and Prospects.

The conference program includes: a plenary session with leading foreign and Russian scientists involved round tables with experts and researchers in adaptation of migrants and their integration into the host community, public lectures by leading foreign and Russian experts on the national issue in modern Russia, the exhibition of literature on national and migration policy provided by SibFU library.

Sessions in the following areas:

  • Modern migration processes in Central Siberia: scientific approaches;
  • Occupational standards for an expert on interethnic and interfaith relations as a basis for the implementation of the state ethnic policy of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal, regional and municipal levels of government in the implementation of state national policy: approaches, formats, objectives, effective practices;
  • Prevention of extremism in interethnic and interfaith relations as an element of state ethnic policy;
  • Socio-cultural adaptation and integration of migrants as a factor of modern ethnic mobility;
  • Educational models of teaching Russian as a foreign language;
  • Theory of state and law in the context of foreign and Russian migration legislation.

The conference will end with discussion and adoption of a resolution.

The conference proceedings will be published and included in peer-reviewed scientific journals from the updated list of the Higher Attestation Commission.

The chairwoman of organizing committee is Natalya Koptseva, Doctor of Science (Philosophy), professor, acting head of academic affairs, School of the North and the Arctic, Acting Director of the International Northern School, Chair of Culturology and Art Criticism of SibFU.


Yulia Zamaraeva, pr. Svobodny 82 A, Room 4–52, +7(391) 206–27–23, e–mail: rybka08@bk.ru.
Ekaterina Sertakova pr. Svobodny 82 A, Room 4–52, +7(391) 206–27–23, e–mail: sertachok@mail.ru.

SibFU’s press office,

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