Registration for the Siberian Historical Forum | Новости СФУ

Registration for the Siberian Historical Forum

Event date:

Event place: г. Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 82, стр.9 и стр.6 (Конгресс-холл и Институт нефти и газа Сибирского федерального университета).

From 21 to 23 September 2021, the 8th International Siberian Historical Forum will be held at the Congress Hall of Siberian Federal University. Its main themes will be the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Yenisey province and the 120th anniversary of the Krasnoyarsk regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society.

The Siberian Historical Forum is an important platform for professional communication of scientists, which contributes to the strengthening of ties in the scientific and humanitarian community, the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of Russia and the traditions and values of Russian regions.

The forum is dedicated to the history of material and spiritual culture and the history of Siberia in the context of world and Russian history.

Traditionally, the forum has three main areas:

  • history of material culture;
  • history of spiritual culture;
  • history of Siberia in the context of world and Russian history.

Also this year the forum participants will discuss the role of the Russian Geographical Society in the study of North and Central Asia.

The forum invites employees of research centres and academic institutes, teachers, lecturers, postgraduates and students of higher educational institutions in different areas (historians, archaeologists, architects, ethnographers, art historians, culturologists, religious scholars, folklorists, philologists, archaeologists, etc.), representatives of state authorities of federal and municipal levels, public and religious associations, employees of archives and museums to give their talks on the study, preservation and popularization of the historical and cultural heritage of Siberia.

Applications for participation in the forum are accepted until 1 July 2021. Please find the submission requirements in the Call for Papers.


Call for Papers

Forum website

Additional Information:

Contact person at SibFU — Nikolay Novoseltsev, nnovoseltsev@sfu–

Press service,

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