SibFU teaches Krasnoyarsk residents Swahili | Новости СФУ

SibFU teaches Krasnoyarsk residents Swahili

School of Philology and Language Communication of Siberian Federal University has started giving a Swahili course. According to Sophia Shatokhina, a senior lecturer at the School and the course instructor, SibFU is the only institution in Krasnoyarsk that offers such courses.

‘Swahili is a fairly easy language to learn: easy spelling, open syllable, fixed stress, consistency and coherence. Everyone knows the phrase “Hakuna Matata”, it is translated from Swahili as “no problem”. The popular game Jenga is translated from Swahili as “build”. Swahili is the most spoken language in Africa; according to various estimates, it is spoken by 50-60 million people. In Russia, Swahili is taught at Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University, and this year we started a class at Siberian Federal University,’ the teacher notes.

The class is 3 times a week and lasts 2 academic hours. The Introduction to the Swahili language course is designed for 1.5 months. Upon completion of the training, students will receive an official certificate about mastering the program.

SibFU Press Office,

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