Interethnic dialogue about languages on the Yenisey: a forum of languages and cultures starts at SibFU | Новости СФУ

Interethnic dialogue about languages on the Yenisey: a forum of languages and cultures starts at SibFU

On 27 May 2021, the program of the 2nd International Forum of Languages and Cultures started at the School of Philology and Language Communication. It is attended by over 300 scientists, specialists in the field of Russian and foreign languages, literary criticism, journalism and other arts, from 18 countries.

The large-scale scientific forum is the hallmark of the School. Under its auspices, the School holds 3 scientific and practical conferences at once: Russian Language and Literature: a Mental Bridge between Europe and Asia, European Languages and Cultures as a Space for Scientific and Applied Research in a Modern Multidisciplinary Context, and Russia and the East: Linguistic and Cultural Dialogue.

“World famous linguist and anthropologist Vyacheslav Ivanov philosophically and wisely noted that every language is a certain model of the universe, and the presence of 4000 different ways to describe the world makes us richer, so the preservation of languages should worry us more than ecology. The mission of our forum, which focuses on different languages and cultures, is to convey such meanings, to become a panegyric to linguistic diversity,” commented Lyudmila Kulikova, director of the School of Philology and Language Communication of Siberian Federal University.

The format of the forum is hybrid and joins together participants from Germany, Switzerland, Great Britain, China,Mongolia, Greece, and 45 cities of Russia: Moscow, Barnaul, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Lipetsk, Orenburg, Tomsk. The talks are presented in Russian, English, Chinese, German, French,Spanish.

“Language today is an important research object for many sciences. The fact that today Siberian Federal University is offering us such a large-scale and passionate discussion within the framework of the forum is undoubtedly both a sign of the times and a sign that Russian science is becoming one of the flagships, where we should be. I am very pleased that we are discussing such a wide range of issues,” Valeria Chernyavskaya, professor of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, emphasized at the plenary session.

This year, a special feature of the Forum was a great involvement of students: about 200 people took part in the sections of the Philological Juvenilia. In addition, young researchers presented their works at the poster session.

“The Forum is strategically important for SibFU and sets several goals. Through the development of linguistic competencies, we plan to continue promoting our region, our research teams. The development of international relations is very important for us. Today, the situation in the international space is not the easiest, and our openness to joint projects could not have come at a better time. I wish rich discussions that will allow us to increase the joint scientific potential,” noted Ruslan Baryshev, vice-rector for Research of Siberian Federal University.

SibFU Press Office,

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