The first startup of students of the School of Gastronomy | Новости СФУ

The first startup of students of the School of Gastronomy

Dom u Ozera is located in the building of the visitor centre on Tatyshev Island and will start as a takeaway cafe very soon. The menu will offer Italian food of the Pertsy pizza-pasta-bar, which are already loved by locals: pizzas, salads, desserts, as well as street food which is a trend currently a Gastronomic trend. The new format will boost the speed of service in „Dom u Ozera“ will be higher than, for example, in Pertsy.

The location of Dom u Ozera implies not only many guests who follow a healthy lifestyle but also impose certain rules on the work of the cafe. Conscious environmental friendliness in the interior and processes is one of the project's features. The emphasis is on conscious consumption and the maximum possible rejection of single-use plastic in packaging.

Preparation and opening of a restaurant project is part of the curriculum of students of the Higher School of Restaurant Management. The senior students took part in all stages of work on the project: they discussed the concept and design project, the purchase of tableware and furniture, repair and preparation of the premises. This Startup will be their thesis at the end of the 4th year.

“The students were supervised by the heads of the departments of marketing, finance, logistics and law of Bellini group. Now the main task of the students is to learn the practices of all the intricacies of opening a new business in the conditions of the real market of restaurant services,” says Alexey Gorensky, director of the School of Gastronomy, and managing partner of Bellini group.

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