University student short-listed as a finalist in a research competition in Tomsk | Новости СФУ

University student short-listed as a finalist in a research competition in Tomsk

The VI International School Environmental Physics for Early Career Researchers held in Tomsk from 1 to 5 October highlighted the researchers’ innovative results and prospects for their commercialization. The competition committee selected five winners. One of them is Maria Alexandrova, a fifth-year student from the Department of Biophysics, Institute of Arts and Sciences, Siberian Federal University.

The student’s research examines the environmental risks of radio toxicity and proposes that a bioluminescent bacterium sensor should be used to identify toxicity in solutions. She also considers potential prospects for commercializing her research.

The student’s supervisor is Dr Kudryashova from the Department of Biophysics, Siberian Federal University.

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