Universities Partnership Agreement Signed at Sochi Investment Forum | Новости СФУ

Universities Partnership Agreement Signed at Sochi Investment Forum

Siberian Federal University and Southern Federal University signed a partnership agreement at Sochi Investment Forum This partnership will effectively use combined intellectual, human, financial and material resources to achieve the goals set by the Russian government and by the programmes of the universities’ development for 2007-2010. Several projects and initiatives were outlined in the agreement.

The investment forum “Sochi—2007” was held in the south of Russia from the 19th to the 23rd of September with the support of President Putin, the Russian government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The meeting showed that Russia is a good investment choice. The programme included round tables, discussions, plenary talks and an exhibition of regional projects.

Krasnoyarsk Krai showed attractive investment projects in sports and transport infrastructure, including constructing an airway hub.

Siberian Federal University and M.F. Reshetnyev Research Center for Applied Mechanics exhibited satellite models and a model of a Center for Receiving and Processing Space Information. The Center will be completed and ready to function in two years. The regional exhibition was visited by President Putin.

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