Assistant Professor of SibFU — winner of the L'Oréal Scholarship for Women | Новости СФУ

Assistant Professor of SibFU — winner of the L'Oréal Scholarship for Women

Assistant professor of the Department of Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems, School of Fundamental Biology and Biotechnology of Siberian Federal University, senior research fellow of Institute of Biophysics of Russian Academy of Science Olesya Kormilets (Makhutova) became a winner of the prestigious national scholarships L'Oréal-UNESCO "For Women in Science" for 2016.

According to the contest terms, the seekers for the national scholarships are to be selected among women scientists, and PhDs under the age of 35 (inclusive) working in Russian research institutions and universities in the following fields: physics, chemistry, medicine and biology.

As the fellow told the jury, where the representatives of Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian National Commission for UNESCO participated, estimates not simply one research project, but the candidate's scientific performance in general. In summing up the jury took into account the number of publications in high-ranking professional journals, h-index, practical value of the candidate's research, as well as the desire to continue the scientific career in Russia.

“The area of my scientific interests is determination of the role of aquatic ecosystems as sources of indispensable lipid biochemicals in human nutrition, in particular fatty acids known as Omega-3. They are necessary for prevention of cardiovascular diseases, normal fetal development, formation of nervous system and vision, — said Olesya Kormilets (Makhutova). — The source of the valuable acids is aquatic environment. The acids pass along the chain from micro-algae to fish, and then to human. Fish for human is the main source of essential fatty acids. The result of our research has shown that global warming negatively affects the amount of Omega-3”.

Back in 2009 Prof. Ekaterina Shishatskaia, Chair of Medical Biology, School of Fundamental Biology and Biotechnology SibFU, became a winner of the program L’Oréal-UNESCO. 95 women scientists won the scholarship during the decade the program exists.

The scholarship is 450 000 RUR.

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