International prospective students will be able to find out about SibFU on a new website | Новости СФУ

International prospective students will be able to find out about SibFU on a new website

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Project Office 5-100 launched a new information resource Study in Russia, designed to inform international prospective students about education in Russian universities.

It should be pointed out that the Study in Russia website for the first time ever gathered all the necessary information about study opportunities in the leading universities of Russia and provided detailed information about applying for admission to the Russian university, curriculum selection system, information on scholarships (quotas), Olympiads, benefits for students, as well as the more than 2800 programs of higher and postgraduate education.

It is expected that site visitors will be international prospective students and their parents. The portal will help them choose the University, level of education and major field of study, to learn about the cost of a particular program and pass a test on the level of proficiency in Russian.

The information is available in three languages – Russian, English and Chinese.

For more information about the education of international students in SibFU, please contact:

  • The Department of International Relations, tel. +7 (391) 206-27-79, e-mail: OVKuznetsova [at] sfu-kras [dot] ru;
  • The Department of International Educational Programs, tel. +7 (391) 206-21-65, e-mail: Isukovataya [at] sfu-kras [dot] ru.

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