Spanish students to study Russian at SibFU Summer School | Новости СФУ

Spanish students to study Russian at SibFU Summer School

Event date:

School of Philology and Language Communication is holding the Language Summer School for Spanish-speaking students from July 13th to July 31st. The event is organized by the SibFU Spanish Language Centre and the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language of the School.

The summer School has been there for 5 years, and this time, considering the cross-cultural year between Spain and Russia, the agenda has been enlarged. Apart from the language classes, this year’s schedule includes such activities as sightseeing tour round Krasnoyarsk and meeting with SibFU students and participants of the Spanish language courses.

This summer 15 students from various Spanish universities collaborating with SibFU are expected to join the Summer School. The largest number of students is to arrive from Cadiz – the key Spanish partner of SibFU.

The financing of the project is provided by Santander Bank.

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