SibFU faculty member teaches at an African university | Новости СФУ

SibFU faculty member teaches at an African university

Dr Stanislav Beletsky, Associate Professor from the Department of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, spent three months teaching at the University of Dodoma (Tanzania).

«I have been looking for this opportunity for quite a long time,Stanislav says. — Swahili was my fourth foreign language and I learnt it at the graduate school. I had been looking for an opportunity to get to a country where it was a native language since then. My application to work in Tanzania was among the 120 applications submitted to an educational company in Moscow. Eight applicants were selected on the basis of their applications and interviews».

Stanislav taught the Russian language to Tanzanian students studying tourism. He also gave lectures in Field Linguistics.

«Linguistics is in high demand in Tanzania. It is a multicultural and multilinguistic country with 120 tribes. Each tribe has its own language. They are all active languages, they are not going to disappear. People tend to speak two or three languages: their native language and Swahili that is used for school teaching. English is introduced in high school».

Teaching (apart from Swahili linguistics and literature), research events and documents are all in English, Stanislav says: «English speaking environment helps to invite teachers and researchers. They are mainly researchers from Russia and India. There are teachers from Japan, Korea, the US, and China».

«A different life style and a different attitude to time management is one of the brightest African impressions. You are never in a hurry, you never jungle responsibilities, you just have a quiet life. You tend to complete a lot on your to do list», — Stanislav says.

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