SibFU to join the Iberian Universia network | Новости СФУ

SibFU to join the Iberian Universia network

Sergey Verkhovets, Vice-Rector (Research and International Collaboration) attended III International Congress of Universia Deans in Rio de Janeiro (28-29 July 2014. The event was supported by Santander.

The attendees included 1,103 representatives from 33 countries. Russian attendees represented 4 Russian universities.

The International Congress of Universia Deans gathered academics, members of Universia network which is comprised of senior university administration. The collaboration is along the three key directions: student mobility, faculty mobility, and joint research.

«Our objective is to build an open platform to discuss the challenges for Ibero-American universities and develop conversations and collaboration with other international universities, Emilio Botin, Chairman of Banco Santander and Universia, said in his keynote at the Congress opening. — Education is the right that opens the doors for other indispensable human rights. So the best investment is the investment in education».

«SibFU was represented at the last year's congress of university presidents,Sergey Verkhovets said. — The agreements signed after the congress contributed to academic mobility and trips to the leading Spanish universities. Master's students received an opportunity to study abroad, some faculty members visited German and Spanish universities. Our international colleagues are interested in our university's research in biophysics, ecology, mineralogy, energy studies, biology, and hydrobiology».

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