Biotechnologists receive funding to develop 'smart' fertilizers | Новости СФУ

Biotechnologists receive funding to develop 'smart' fertilizers

The project developed at the Institute of Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, and titled 'Basics for Developing a New Generation of Agricultural Biochemicals' won the funding competition at the Russian Science Foundation. One of the project's heads is Professor Tatyana Volova from Siberian Federal University.

The projects objective is doing research in building environmentally-safe and efficient fertilizers and biochemicals to protect crops from insects and disease problems. They are based on biodegradable polymers of microbiological origin.

«The projects is quite important in terms of decreasing risks from uncontrollable accumulation of chemicals in the biosphere,Tatyana Volova says. — The funding will support developing the basics of building and applying a new generation of environmentally-safe agricultural biochemicals. Our objective is developing the biochemicals with target delivery to decrease their application».

The Russian Science Foundation Competition 2014 received 1,800 applications for funding to support existing research labs and departments. The RSF supported 161 project.

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