PhD degrees to be received at SibFU | Новости СФУ

PhD degrees to be received at SibFU

SibFU is going to launch its own PhD SibFU degree.

PhD is similar to the Russian „Candidate of Sciences“ and „Doctor of Sciences“ degrees. There are about 20 various degree names in Europe and the US equal to the PhD degree. The right to give out research degrees varies among countries and it can belong to the government, the Academy of Sciences, a professional association, or universities. Russian doctoral degrees can be only obtained from the Higher Attestation Commission at the Ministry of Education and Research, Russian Federation.

Russian doctoral degrees do not tend to be recognized by the intenational research community. A researcher with the Russian „Candidate of Science“ does not automatically receive a PhD degree. Achieving the position of a researcher with a PhD is only possible after getting this degree at an international university.

According to Eugene Vaganov , SibFU's Rector, this gap is an obstacle on the way of research integration.

«We do not have Russian, German, or American research, it is a common achievement. Formal obstacles interfere with its development,Eugene Vaganov says. — A reasonable solution undertaken by the Russian government was to allow universities to confer their own PhD degrees. This results in a common language and an equal dialogue with the international research community».

Russian univesities have only recently launched their PhD degrees. Saint Petersburg University initiated conferring PhD SPbSU last year.

«There is a lot of difference in granting „Candidate of Science“/„Doctor of Science“ degree and PhD SibFU degree,Maxim Rumyantsev, SibFU's Vice Rector (Academic Affairs) said. — The committee to grant the degree should include the representatives of leading international universities, the dissertation is written in English and it is openly accessible online».

SibFU has started developing and discussing normative documents, changes in the university's bylaws, signing agreements on research with leading interrnational universities, and delivering some educational programmes in English.

The first defense of PhD SibFU degree in Mathematics is scheduled for 2015.

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