Top ten best presenters from 'Young People and Research' Conference will speak at an international congress | Новости СФУ

Top ten best presenters from 'Young People and Research' Conference will speak at an international congress

SibFU hosted 'Young People and Research' Conference from 15 to 25 April 2014. The top ten conference presenters will speak at VI International Congress 'Non-Ferrous Metals and Minerals'. .

The Congress's Organizing Committee has arranged a session featuring young researchers who study mining and metallurgy.

The Best Paper title in the session 'Non-Ferrous Metals: improving the technology of metal processing' was awarded to Anton Samchuk, master's student from the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Material Science.

«I have already had a chance to attend the Congress and listen to the papers. It is quite important and interesting to present my paper at an international level. My paper is about the deformation of pre-packaged aluminum alloys. I intend to continue my work as a doctoral student»,Anton says.

«My paper at the international congress is a presentation of a new method to be used for developing mineral deposits,Alexander Kirsanov, an awardee from the session 'Mining and Underground Construction' says. — The Congress presents a wide audience for new ideas and methods».

The conference sessions included 150 students from metallurgy and geology programmes. A lot of applied research was funded by mining companies.

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