SibFU web site have risen in 4ICU world university ranking | Новости СФУ

SibFU web site have risen in 4ICU world university ranking

SibFU's web site is ranked 26th among Russian universities' web sites, according to 4ICU ranking agency. In 2014 SibFU moved up 13 places.

4ICU is an international educational web site reporting on 11,307 accredited universities and colleges in 200 countries around the world. In 2014 the ranking included 392 Russian universities.

4ICU ranking makes an aggregated assessment based on the number and popularity of web pages and their English language citations in the Internet. Online indicators show the university scale, student activity, the university involvement in the international academic community.

SibFU is ranked 10th among Russian universities, according to Webometrics ranking agency. In 2014 it moved up 10 places.

Webometrics criteria for analysis are the number of external citations, number of indexed web pages, and citation index. Webometrics does not analyse the general university activity. It ranks how the university is represented in the Internet. Webometrics ranking helps to indirectly estimate the university research comparing their web sites.

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