SibFU chemists: time to gather stones | Новости СФУ

SibFU chemists: time to gather stones

SibFU researchers have developed an analytical method to find out a predisposition to kidney disease. The head of the project team is Professor Alexander Efremov from the Department of Analytical and Organic Chemistry.

Elena Yusenko, the project's author and SibFU doctoral student, says: «People rarely consider if the food products they consume are harmful. Much beloved coffee, tea, chocolate and even milk or herbs may contribute to kidney disease».

A third of the RF population have kidney disease and many people are unaware of the problem as there are no symptoms. Patients go to see a doctor when they feel severe pain - renal colic.

Elena Yusenko thinks this serious problem can be prevented. A twenty minute blood test developed by the researchers from the Department of Analytical and Organic Chemistry, SibFU, identifies the substances responsible for building stones in kidneys.

«The test resuslts — the projects's author says— will help doctors to develop preventive treatment and diet and find out metabolic disbalances. Nobody doubts that prevention is the best cure. A diet is always better than a scalpel».

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