Issues of migrant adaptation to be discussed at SibFU | Новости СФУ

Issues of migrant adaptation to be discussed at SibFU

Event date:

Event place: ул. Ленина/Вейнбаума, 70/36, конференц-зал

Siberian Federal University will host the information session and discussion event titled 'Migrant Adaptation for a Civilized Society' on 25 June 2012

The event has been organized by the Department of Federal Migration Service (Krasnoyarsk Krai), Siberian Federal University and the Department of External Relations, Krasnoyarsk Krai Administration.

The event aims to educate the public and strengthen a friendly environment in the region. The feelings should be based on the values of a multi-ethnic society and national identity of a Russian citizen.

The event will be attended by the representatives of the regional government, municipal authorities, ethnic and religious communities, NGOs, researchers and Krasnotarsk businesses. SibFU's faculty and students will present their papers on migration policies abroad and migrants in Krasnoyarsk based on student surveys.

The event will result in developing recommendations on starting a regional agenda of integrating migrants and giving them help in adaptation to life in Russia. The programme will contribute to creating a system of legal, administrative and ideological tools of opposing ethnic and religious extrimism. The results may also include developing regulations and methods for improving ethnic relations, lessening the level of prejudice. They may contribute to forming a friendly attitude based on udestanding and accepting cultural differences.

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