Congress and Exhibition "ENERGETICS IN GLOBAL WORLD" to be held in Siberian Federal University | Новости СФУ

Congress and Exhibition "ENERGETICS IN GLOBAL WORLD" to be held in Siberian Federal University

Event date:

International Scientific and Technical Congress and Exhibition «Energetics in Global World» was held in Siberian Federal University on June 16-18, 2010. The event was organized with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk region authorities, International and Russian Unions of Scientific and Engineering Associations (FEANI), Siberian branch of RAS and Scientific Industrial Enterprise «Radio communication», etc.

Nikolai Churkin, First Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the RF Federation Council, Mikhail Kusichev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Pyotr Pimashkov, Mayor of Krasnoyarsk, Evgeny Vaganov, SibFU Rector took part in the official opening of the Congress.

More than 230 scientists from Russia and abroad visited the Congress. The leading specialists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tomsk, specialists of JSC «RusHydro», representatives of the International and Russian Unions of Scientific and Engineering Associations (FEANI) and also Yury Gulyaev, RAS Academician, Corresponding member of RAS, President of the International and Russian Unions of Scientific and Engineering Associations, Laureate of State Prize, Klaus Riedle, Laureate of the «Global Energy» Prize, Willie Fux, Head of the German Engineers’ Union, Du Xiangwan, Vice-President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering participated in the Congress to exchange knowledge in the field of energetics.

    Within the Congress there were conferences on the following issues:

  • Power efficient and environmentally friendly technologies in the 21st century;
  • Electrical and hydropower engineering;
  • Heat power engineering;
  • Nuclear power engineering;
  • Renewable and alternative energy sources;
  • Present issues of Russian Fuel and Energy Complex and energy consumption;
  • Power efficiency of megalopolis infrastructure;
  • Safety and durability of energetic technical systems;
  • Energetic resources of the planet;
  • Exploration and development of energy sources, interindustry cooperation in decision-making;
  • Russia in the global energetic market;
  • Power efficiency in metallurgy and mining industry;
  • Problems of energy resources production, processing and long-distances transportation;
  • High-speed hydrodynamics.
    Round-table discussions:

  • Issues of energetics and the crisis: economical and social aspects;
  • Information technologies in energetics;
  • Personnel training in energetics.

Special postcards and envelopes were cancelled for the Congress and Exhibition «Energetics in Global World» which was officially opened on June 16, 2010. Cancellation was made by the special post marks with the symbol of the Congress and fixed date - «June 16, 2010». By the initiative of the Congress organizing committee, for about 500000 envelopes and 10000 postcards were produced with the photo of the SibFU campus represented on them. Siberian Federal University presented 50 projects in the field of hydroenergetics, heat power engineering, nuclear power engineering, renewable and alternative energetic resources.

The Congress discussion leaders put an emphasis on the priority issues devoted to development of the energetic complex of the Krasnoyarsk territory and Siberia and also energetic infrastructure reliability and ecological safety.

Summarizing the issues discussed at the Congress, Viktor Timofeev, Head of the SibFU Polytechnic Institute and member of the Organizing Committee pointed out: «First of all, we succeeded in consolidating international links with the leading Russian and international schools working in the field of heat power engineering and heat technology, electrical power engineering and electrotechnics. There were many important reports presented at the Congress such as «Nuclear power engineering in terms of coping with the issues concerning energetic safety», «Renewable energetics as one of the effective ways of overcoming the financial crisis in Russia». Having invited the leading experts in the field of energetics to participate in the Congress, we got a chance to assess the advantages and disadvantages of the main issues discussed at the Congress and clarify the priorities needed for development of the new energetic objects and useful operation of the existing ones». Viktor Timofeev also said that such events are planned to be held once in two years.

Participants of the Event took into consideration the Appeal to the RF scientific international community in terms of all the issues mentioned in the program of the Congress.

SibFU Press office,

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