Launching "Siberia and the World" | Новости СФУ

Launching "Siberia and the World"

On the 6th of July Siberian Federal University started “Siberia and the World” international festival. Within the framework of the festival Siberian cultural heritage and educational potential was presented. The presentation was aimed at establishing and developing SibFU international contacts and academic exchanges with international partners.

The foreign delegation consisted of 24 representatives out of different institutions from 7 countries. Among them there are professors, teachers and students from the USA, Germany, Austria, Poland, China, Nigeria and Australia. Besides participation in the forums and round table discussions the guests of the festival also took part in lectures, seminars and immersion games.

Besides, within the framework of the itinerary, the guests of the international festival will go sightseeing and participated in “The Sayan Ring” - the 5th International festival of the world ethnic music held in Shushenskoye from July 11 to July 13 and afterwards will visit the national park Ergaki.

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