Students from Krasnoyarsk participated in the Russian Festival at Durham University, UK | Новости СФУ

Students from Krasnoyarsk participated in the Russian Festival at Durham University, UK

Durham University hosted its Russian Festival on February 23, 2008.

The Russian Festival at Durham University was organized by the university’s Russian Society. The Russian Festival brought together British and Russian students, Russian teachers and the members of the local Russian community to explore Russian culture and history, to admire Russian singing and dancing and to get a taste of Russian food.

The Russian Festival’s participants were welcomed by Alexey Kulakov, Russian Consulate, Edinburgh, and Professor Patrick O’Meara from the Department of Russian, School of Modern Languages and Culture, Durham University.

Several teachers and students from the Department of Modern Languages and the Institute of Economics, Management and Environmental Studies, Siberian Federal University, have recently taken courses of advanced studies at Durham University.

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