The History of the Yenisey Province in Tastes — a Popular Science Festival Has Started at SibFU | Новости СФУ

The History of the Yenisey Province in Tastes — a Popular Science Festival Has Started at SibFU

Event date:

Event place: pr. Svobodny, 82, block. 11, School of Gastronomy

From May to November 2022, the School of Gastronomy, SibFU, will be hosting a popular science festival — The History of the Yenisey Province in Tastes. This festival is to promote the historical and gastronomic heritage of the Yenisey Province and local history gastroliteracy among the youth and invites pupils, applicants and students to take part.

The festival is dedicated to the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Yenisey Province and will unite the efforts of scientists and popularizers of science, as well as practitioners from the hospitality industry. The events of the festival are designed to draw attention to the gastronomic history of the region, traditional recipes and the most important events in gastronomic local history.

The festival program includes: RestoJunior 2022 competition (register in the system of additional education and testing of schoolchildren of SibFU to join), Open Doors Days of the School of Gastronomy; Siberian Festive Table open lecture hall; a master-class and a taste-off on the traditional dish of the peoples of the Yenisey Province; and a dinner-experiment – The History of the Yenisey Province in Tastes.

Lecture hall schedule

Lecture — the Yenisey Province in Tastes.
23 June, 15:30-17:00, amphitheater of the School of Gastronomy (пр. Свободный 82, block 11)
You will learn about the gastronomic diversity of the Yenisey Province through the prism of regional cuisine, originality of the usual meals (peasants, urban population, and indigenous peoples) and the uniqueness of the public table and its content in Krasnoyarsk. The conclusion of the lecture will be a reinacted seasonal menu of the Yenisey Province.

Lecture — Delicacies of the Yenisey Province, a master-class with taste-off.
30 June, 15:30-17:00, amphitheater of the School of Gastronomy (пр. Свободный 82, block 11)
You will learn about the festive and everyday dishes of the public table and travel dishes in the Yenisey Province in the 19th century and take part in the master-class where you will cook and taste poured bird-cherry pie and shepherd's purse tea.
Lecturer: Igor Shein, candidate of biological sciences, wine expert, gastro-archaeologist, author of books about Siberian cuisine.

Chef: Maxim Cherevichenko, senior lecturer at the lecturer at the Higher School of Culinary Art, the School of Gastronomy, chef at Истории Restaurant.

Experiment dinner — The History of the Yenisey Province in Tastes
15 September 2022 at Истории Restaurant

Students of the School of Gastronomy, under the mentorship of chefs, will conduct a unique historical and gastronomic tour. Invitation tickets for dinner will be available to the most active participants of the festival and finalists of the RestoJunior 2022.

The festival is supported by the Krasnoyarsk Regional Foundation for Support of Research and Engineering Activities as part of the competition of projects to promote science and innovation in Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2022. The partner of the festival is Bellini group.

Press Service SibFU,

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