The Innovation Programme of Advanced Studies supports the university lecturers visiting British universities | Новости СФУ

The Innovation Programme of Advanced Studies supports the university lecturers visiting British universities

The Innovation Programme of Advanced Studies at Siberian Federal University provided four university lecturers with an opportunity to take a course of advanced studies at Durham University, a world-class institution.

T.V. Fedoseeva, S.V.Bershadskaya, V.V. Zhdanovich and I.M. Graf listened to various lectures and attended multiple classes at the Language Centre of the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, Durham University. The course of studies included four modules: Principles of Academic Language and Literacy (taught by Rosemary Mitchell); Spoken Discourse for Academic Study (Megan Bruce); Written Discourse (Louise Greener); Organization and Expression of Knowledge (Nick Habgood).

Contacts were also established with Newcastle University, one of the UK’s leading institutions of higher education.

The programme of advanced studies for the lecturers from Siberian Federal University was supported by the university administration; Dr. E.B. Bukharova, the head of the Innovation Programme of Advanced Studies; Mr Mike Davenport, Academic Director of the Language Centre, Durham University and the Department of Modern Languages, Siberian Federal University.

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