SFU welcomes researchers and university lecturers from all over the world | Новости СФУ

SFU welcomes researchers and university lecturers from all over the world

On August 1, Siberian Federal University extended an invitation to researchers and university lecturers all over the world to deliver lectures and to do research at Siberian Federal University for the period from 15 October through 1 December 2007. Travel and accommodation costs will be covered by Siberian Federal University.

Applicants are invited to send their CV, list of publications and a summary of the research project (course of lectures) to:

Professor Vladimir I. Kolmakov
Vice-Rector, Research and Development
Siberian Federal University
79 Svobodny, 660041
Tel: 7 3912 46 99 27
Fax: 7 3912 44 86 25
E-mail: nich@sfu-kras.ru

We recommend that young researchers ask for letter(s) of recommendation (directly sent by the referees to Siberian Federal University).

Application deadline: 1 September 2007

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