SibFU has increased its SIR rating | Новости СФУ

SibFU has increased its SIR rating

SibFU has increased its SIR rating (Scimago Institutions Ranking) by 84 points. SibFU is the only Russian university to demonstrate stable increase for all the indicators of science metrics.

SIR is an international rating for research institutions. Its annual release was published in August 2013.

SIR aims to embrace every institution with meaningful research results. Currently, the rating includes 2,740 institutions to produce 80% of international findings.

The rating uses Scopus international database and it includes 7 indicators:

  • total number of documents published in scholarly journals;
  • international collaboration (institution's output ratio produced in collaboration with intedrnational scholars;
  • normalized impact;
  • ratio of publications that an institution published in the most influential scholarly journals;
  • specialization index;
  • excellnce rate);
  • scientific leadership.

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