SibFU's start up ring winner presents innovative project | Новости СФУ

SibFU's start up ring winner presents innovative project

Anna Shumilova, doctoral student from the Institute of Fundamental Biology and Biotecnology, SibFU, spoke about her project on 3 June 2013. The project has won the start up ring of innovative projects and business ideas among SibFU's undergraduates and doctoral students. It is about applying biological polimers to bone grafting.

The project is titled 'Biopolimer implants for regenerative medicine' It is about applying biological polimers to bone grafting.

Currently, bone grafts in the place of bone defects are made of various materials different in composition, form and properties. None of them meets the demands of regenerative surgery: compatibility with living organisms, strength, and biodegradability, that is the ability of biopolimers to degrade in time after bones are regenerated. Biopolimer implants proposed by SibFU's researchers are biocompatible, they are not rejected by the organism, they are biodegradable and mechanically strong.

According to Anna Shumilova, the project has been promoted within SibFU's small innovative business. «Currently, we have a real model, a sample to be tested. We are ready to launch a commercial project and we will be happy to collaborate with investors. Our pilot project is the first national project of producing polimers and building grafts. We have started their clinical testing with the collaboration of Krasnoyarsk State Medical University», — Anna Shumilova said.

Anna's project has been supervised by Professor Tatyana Volova, Head of Biotechnology Department, and Professor Ekaterina Shishatskaya, Head of Medical Biology Department.

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