Public lecture on the scientific mystery of living light | Новости СФУ

Public lecture on the scientific mystery of living light

Event date:

Event place: пр. Свободный, 82,стр. 1, ауд. 2-25

Ludmila Burakova, senior researcher from the Laboratory of Photobiology at the Institute of Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, will give a public lecture on the scientific mystery of living light on 17 May 2013.

"If you ask somebody to talk about light-emitting organisms they would probably mention the hound of the Baskervilles. The lecture is obviously not on Arthur Conan Doyle!Ludmila Burakova said. — Apart from electrical light, we can speak about natural living light called bioluminescence, a mysterious and beautiful phenomenon. Some fungi, worms and sea animals emit light. Why it happens and how we can use bioluminescence is a serious scientific problem. The discovery of the phenomenon was highly valued by the scientific community. Its author Osamu Shimomura, a distinguished scientist and, currently, head of SibFU's research laboratory, became Nobel Laureate". .

  • How can a jellyfish help in diagnosing cancer?
  • How do luminescent proteins act as markers of human heart condition?
  • Why do some living organisms emit light?

The questions will be answered at the public lecture. Dr Burakova will speak about the variety of bioluminescent organisms, their nature, role in the environment, history.

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