Public lecture on pilotless aircrafts at SibFU | Новости СФУ

Public lecture on pilotless aircrafts at SibFU

SibFU hosted a second public lecture in "Enlightenment" lecture series on 23 March 2013. Ivan Makarov spoke about research and applications at the foundation of «DELTA» and «GAMMA» pilotless aircrafts.

Ivan Makarov is an engineer from SibFU's research department and head of pilotless aircraft department at Students' Engineering Centre. He spoke about research and applications at the foundation of «DELTA» and «GAMMA» pilotless aircrafts.

The lecturer showed pilotless aircrafts designed and produced at SibFU. He spoke about technical and economic advantages of pilotless aircrafts in Russia and internationally. The lecturer discussed some applications of aircraft robotics: imaging, scanning and mapping. The audience was interested in the applications used in geology, environmental monitoring and hunting.

Ivan Makarov: «Humans are not just inquisitive, we are rational. We strive to know and be creative while routine technical tasks belong to the scope of robotics. Our team have been working on building a pilotless aircraft for more than four years. Our products are able to compete with similar products created abroad. They are used for geology, imaging and mapping. They may be used in agriculture, forestry and communication. We designed the aircraft weighting 50 kilos in 2011. This plane will be used in imaging, magnetic sensing, gamma remote sensing».

Marat Valikhanov, Associate Professor from the Department of Radio Engineering, Institute of Engineering Physics and Radio Electronics, Head of Students' Engineering Centre at SibFU: «Ivan impressed me with his idea of building a pilotless aircraft six years ago. Now his vision became reality. The results of his team deserve respect. What is more important, he created a team of young talented people, last year's undergraduates and doctoral students. They will be able to solve complex engineering problems in ten years. In fact, we observe creating a new research group. I wish them luck and exciting engineering solutions».

Alexey Romanov, Assistant Vice Rector (Research and International Collaboration): "Public lecture is a difficult genre and few teachers are able to speak with excitement to a broad audience. I hope we will be able to create a place where everybody will be able to find out about latest research trends and become a part of research community" .

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