Collaboration of federal universities | Новости СФУ

Collaboration of federal universities

Siberian Federal University signed agreements on collaboration with Southern Federal University and Northern (Arctic) Federal University. The event was a part of Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum.

The agreement covers:

  • joint research;
  • information exchange;
  • publishing books, research papers, collections of papers and textbooks;
  • doctoral students' exchange;
  • academic exchange;
  • professional exchange.
Pavel Vcherashny

According to Vice Rector for Finance and University Development Pavel Vcherashny, university development and teaching programmes should be linked to regional demand «It's quite right for the leading universities in federal districts, — he said. — However, we should take into account global trends due to the ambitious perspectives outlined for Russian universities by the RF President. Preparing labour pool demanded by contemporary economy is the essential condition of successful development.

Joint work in this direction will be beneficial for every partner of the agreement. SibFU's strategies result in preferences for research and technology as we highly regard the applied part of reserch projects. We have ideas that could be developed with our colleagues from Archangelsk and Rostov-on-Don.»

Rector of Northern (Arctic) Federal University Elena Kudryasheva and Rector of Southern Federal University Marina Borovskaya think that collaboration will happen in various fields and that it will be interesting.

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