SibFU gained 46 points in the Russian Science Citation Index | Новости СФУ

SibFU gained 46 points in the Russian Science Citation Index

According to data, SibFU takes the 21st place among Russian research institutions.

The ranking includes 1,836 research institutions. SibFU takes the 6th place among Russian universities. The top five universities are Moscow State University, Saint Petersburg State University, Novosibirsk State University, Kazansky Federal University, National Reserach Nuclear University.

Science Citation Index has become one of the key aspects for evaluating research activity of international universities and researchers. Ranking institutions according to science metrics indices plays a significant role in Russia due to ambitious perspectives outlined for Russian universities by the RF President.

Ranking includes the total publication number for five years, the total citation number from the Russian Science Citation Index, the value of journals that publish univerrsities' research papers and Hirsh index.

Sergey Verkhovets

«Positive dynamics for SibFU's science citation indices was achieved by concentrated efforts. First, SibFU united several institutions that were separately represented in the database. Second, university faculty and staff received access to 'Science Index' information system.

What is more important, we revised the policies of research management and the strategy of publication incentives, — Sergey Verkhovets, Vice Rector, Reserch and International Collaboration, said. —This work resulted in strengthening SibFU's position in the Russian Science Citation Index. It also allowed us to gain 46 points in the ranking.

One should not underestimate the importance of publication indexes for Russian universities. Ministry of Education and Reserach and other governmental agencies take the ranking into consideration when they rank universities, support educational work and research projects.», — Dr Verkhovets said.

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