SibFU won the national championship of the Jessup competition | Новости СФУ

SibFU won the national championship of the Jessup competition

Students from the Law Institute, SibFU, won the Russian National Championship of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition. The Jessup competition is one of the largest and most exciting competitions among the students of international law schools held by the International Law Students Association since 1959.

The last stage of the qualifying competition this year was for the student teams from Siberian Federal University and the Higher School of Economics, a national research university. Students from Krasnoyarsk won the competition.

Six best national teams are SibFU, the Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod), Moscow State University, MGIMO University, Russian Law Academy and the Ural State Law Academy. The teams will join the students from eighty international law universities to compete for the White and Case Jessup Cup in Washington in March 2013.

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