«New Perspective»: one of the best completed projects | Новости СФУ

«New Perspective»: one of the best completed projects

SibFU students Ivan Timofeenko, Alexander Menshikov, Pavel Pankin and Xenia Malyshevskaya are the team behind the project "New Perspective". The project is among the best completed social projects supported by Vladimir Potanin Foundation in 2012.

Best projects were presented on the first day of the Winter School organized by Vladimir Potanin Foundation in Sochi at the end of January, 2013.

SibFU students majoring in physics, biology and software development built a secondary school programme based on simulating experiments and research findings in physics, chemistry and biology to enhance the attractiveness of science.

The project "New Perspective" was presented at the Summer School organized by Vladimir Potanin Foundation in Khimki near Moscow. The project received the foundation's support.

SibFU students visited twelve secondary schools to give lessons in autumn 2012. The experiments included turning a live rose into a glass flower, making liquid a hard substance, building mini-volcanos and small fire explosions.

The project team intends to continue their classes with a group of high school students. They want to teach them the foundations of physics, chemistry and biology, to experiment with non-Newtonian and magnetic fluid and teach them how to use a microscope.

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