SibFU scientist was awarded the title of Professor of the RAS | Новости СФУ

SibFU scientist was awarded the title of Professor of the RAS

Ekaterina Shishatskaya, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Head of the Department of Medical Biology, Institute of Basic Biology and Biotechnology of Siberian Federal University, was awarded the honorary title of Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences among the first in Russia.

The title is awarded to scientists for scientific achievements at the national and international level, as well as for the active participation in the implementation of the basic objectives and functions of the RAS. A candidate for the title must not only have recognized scientific achievements, but also meet a number of criteria, including:

  • developing and implementing of research activities in scientific organizations and educational institutions of higher education in Russia, involving the work of students, graduate students and young scientists;
  • scientific work for no less than 10 years in the research organizations and (or) educational institutions of higher education;
  • participating in the training of scientific personnel, the implementation of scientific guidance and scientific consulting.

Professor of the RAS is entitled to take an active participation in the activities of the department, in the work of specialized councils, committees and commissions of the RAS, implement expert functions of the Academy. It is assumed that the Professorship will serve as an intermediate stage between Doctorate and Corresponding Membership of the RAS, creating an additional incentive for prospective actively working young Doctors of Sciences.
Oleg Menyailo, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Research Associate of V.N.Sukachev Institute of Forest of SB RAS and part-time Research Associate of the Research Department of SibFU was also awarded the honorary title of Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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